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    The Rising Tide of Cybersecurity Threats

    In government as well as industry, data is our new currency, and digital connectedness is our new society. As a result, the specter of cyber threats looms larger in our common spaces than ever before. 

    Government agencies, particularly those within the Department of Defense (DoD), have become prime targets for malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in their systems. Among these agencies, the Navy stands at the forefront, facing many cybersecurity challenges with far-reaching economic and societal implications. Agencies can’t afford not to address these threats. Which is where you—and your proposal process—enter the picture.  

    As shipbuilding contractors like yourself strive to navigate these treacherous waters, the heightened need for robust cybersecurity measures has brought with them a new era of cost complexity and pricing implications. 

    The risks confronting shipbuilders have expanded exponentially— from state-sponsored espionage to malicious hacking groups. The potential consequences of a successful cyber attack on a ship's systems are far-reaching, ranging from compromised data integrity to disrupted operations and even jeopardy to the safety of crew and cargo.



    Ready to Learn More?

    Fill out the form on this page to request the 'The Rising Tide of Cybersecurity Threats: A Pricing & Bid-Development Perspective for Shipbuilding Contractors' White Paper. 

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