Streamline the proposal process during submission, negotiation, and award
Constructive communications from proposal evaluation through negotiations
Sync Basis of Estimate (BOE) narratives to cost & pricing in ProPricer CE
Get fast accurate cash flow date and be confident with contracts you bid on.
Introducing Cost Volume Pro (CVP), the cutting-edge cost volume creation suite set to revolutionize your workflow. CVP harnesses the power of ProPricer's data and external files to deliver comprehensive, consistent, and controlled outputs like never before. Its first release is scheduled for June 2024.
Integration Pro transfers cost and pricing data between ProPricer and MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Deltek database.
Connect ProPricer and Microsoft Office directly together to get fast and accurate data in Word and Excel.
Explore different options for directly integrating data between different applications within an organization.
Proposal cost and pricing data at your fingertips
Compare multiple project scenarios in seconds
Create a standard, repeatable system to produce data
Create, manage, and track cost proposals all in one place
Use roles to limit permissions for participating parties
Standardize and track estimate data as it changes
The latest news and best practices
Thought leadership from industry experts
In-depth reports on customer experiences with ProPricer
Quick lists to stay on track
In-depth guidance and best practices
Visit our library of past events
Explore ProPricer's learning management system to enhance your product knowledge and better understand how to set up and take action from your program with our guided learning paths.
Learn from a live, dedicated trainer on-site at your location or online to coach and guide your company in an exclusive classroom environment.
Streamline the proposal process during submission, negotiation, and award
Constructive communications from proposal evaluation through negotiations
Sync Basis of Estimate (BOE) narratives to cost & pricing in ProPricer CE
Get fast accurate cash flow date and be confident with contracts you bid on.
Introducing Cost Volume Pro (CVP), the cutting-edge cost volume creation suite set to revolutionize your workflow. CVP harnesses the power of ProPricer's data and external files to deliver comprehensive, consistent, and controlled outputs like never before. Its first release is scheduled for June 2024.
Integration Pro transfers cost and pricing data between ProPricer and MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Deltek database.
Connect ProPricer and Microsoft Office directly together to get fast and accurate data in Word and Excel.
Explore different options for directly integrating data between different applications within an organization.
Proposal cost and pricing data at your fingertips
Compare multiple project scenarios in seconds
Create a standard, repeatable system to produce data
Create, manage, and track cost proposals all in one place
Use roles to limit permissions for participating parties
Standardize and track estimate data as it changes
The latest news and best practices
Thought leadership from industry experts
In-depth reports on customer experiences with ProPricer
Quick lists to stay on track
In-depth guidance and best practices
Visit our library of past events
Explore ProPricer's learning management system to enhance your product knowledge and better understand how to set up and take action from your program with our guided learning paths.
Learn from a live, dedicated trainer on-site at your location or online to coach and guide your company in an exclusive classroom environment.
ProPricer began as a way to resolve an ongoing challenge in the field. Today, our new and long-time customers keep us grounded in their biggest challenges and opportunities, which drives the development of ProPricer new releases and features.
That’s why the upcoming features listed here are always changing. Meeting your needs is what we’re most proud of and fuels our natural pursuit of innovation. If you have ideas, requests, or suggestions for ProPricer new releases and features, we'd love to hear them!
To share your thoughts with us, log in to the ProPricer Support Portal. Once logged in, you can also cast your vote for upcoming product features.
This page will keep you up to date on our plans for future releases. Check back regularly to find out what's next and when you can upgrade to add ProPricer new releases and features.
Take a look at what ProPricer has been up to and all of the new features available.
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Ask Dela
The Ask Dela feature introduces a new digital AI assistant that gives logical responses to ProPricerrelated inquiries. Ask Dela is powered by OpenAI and provides a simple, conversational interface for
asking questions. To learn how to configure Ask Dela, see the ProPricer Installation Guide.
.NET 8 Upgrade
ProPricer has upgraded from .NET 6 to .NET 8 to stay current with the latest technology. Microsoft
will end support for .NET 6 in November 2024.
Import/Export Tool Integrated with ProPricer
The Import/Export Tool has been added to ProPricer as a feature. This prevents licensing issues,
improves performance, and eliminates the need for ProPricer database connection settings in the
User Login Information Separation
The login name, type, and password of each ProPricer user is now separate from their other user
information. There are also different system-level associated permissions for Users and User Logins.
With separate login information, a single user can have multiple login types (ProPricer, Windows, and
Azure AD). Additionally, you can quickly disable someone’s ability to log in without removing them
from your ProPricer system.
You can view and edit logins in User Information and the new User Login Information feature. User
Information shows the logins for a selected user, while User Login Information shows all logins and
users in one grid.
Material Distribution Summary Report
The new Material Distribution Summary Report shows a proposal’s material costs by month, quarter,
year, or no timescale. In the ad hoc layout options, you can choose exactly which information to
include in the report.
Replicate Material Changes in Another Proposal
In proposals, the Replicate Material Changes right-click option can now apply changes to a different
proposal with the same parts. This includes cost source information changes. Previously, Replicate
Material Changes only applied to the same proposal.
Updated FWP Form Report
The FWP Form Report has five additional equipment subsections. In Proposal Properties, they are
available as line items in the Form Mapping settings.
Proposal Metadata in Archives
When archiving proposals using any method, the archive includes metadata in a .txt file. It captures
the ProPricer version that created the archive, and the earliest version of ProPricer required to restore
More Consolidation Rule Options
More Link Qty Options for Associated Costs
There are two new options for linking associated costs to material quantities in proposals.
ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN Functions in Algorithms and Report
The ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN formula functions are now available in the algorithm formula editor and Report Designer expression editor.
Material Quantity Modifier Formula
In Proposal Properties, the Material Pricing settings have a new Qty Modifier Formula. It provides a
formula editor for adjusting the manufacturing start quantity calculation in a proposal. In the formula,
you have the flexibility to use your own material fields.
The Qty Modifier Formula works the same way as the existing Hours/Units/Cost Modifier in Proposal
Properties. The formula functions, mathematical operators, and material fields you enter in the editor
create a multiplier that is applied to the manufacturing start quantity.
BOE Source Identifies Travel and CERs
For trips and CER derivative resources that originated from a restored BOE Pro proposal, a BOE
Source column indicates the source proposal’s name. Previously, the BOE Source column in
proposals only identified direct resources that came from BOE Pro.
Update Current Proposal Includes Material Descriptions
The Update Current Proposal feature now allows updating the description of parts and assemblies.
Corrected Export to Excel Behavior for Pivot Grids
The default Text Export Mode when exporting a pivot grid from Print Preview to Excel has been
changed from Text to Value. This restores the original default mode before it was switched in
Compatible with version 9.5.103 of ProPricer Contractor Edition Enterprise
In BOE templates, you can dynamically map BOE sections. When a proposal uses the template, estimators can quickly enter information in BOE sections by selecting a combination of options. The Smart Section mapping determines which sections appear when specific options are selected. This feature allows proposal managers to define the available text sections for each estimating group or method and hide sections that do not apply.
You can now create BOE sections that will not be printed. This allows proposal managers to keep the BOE well organized by indicating sections that should not be printed.
When selecting a task in the grid on the Estimates page, a preview of the task BOE appears. Now you can quickly access and review the BOE information for each task.
The data counter and widget totals for proposal tasks and resources now show the total number of tasks, resources, hours, and costs. This makes it easier to compare to ProPricer Contractor Edition Enterprise data.
You can now access the Estimates page, Estimate List, and BOE View when you don’t have permission to access the Trips and Travel Estimates features. This allows people to view and work on BOEs and estimates regardless of their Trips and Travel Estimates permissions.
BOE Pro supports the viewing and managing of long processes such as archiving and restoring, copying proposals, and importing. You can now cancel these processes.
System curves and travel expenses have been optimized and added to the database to avoid duplication. Global library records have been assigned for shared curves and expenses.
Existing projects have been replaced by shared library references, resulting in less code and new references.
The SQL trigger used for proposal locations has been removed, allowing Entity Framework 7 optimizations.
Compatible with version 9.5.103 of ProPricer Contractor Edition Enterprise
The authorization server prevents logging in when the database hasn't been upgraded. This improves security and prevents potential errors.
The import process has been optimized using Bulk Insert actions, resulting in faster and more efficient data imports.
A new Leave Feedback button has been added to the BOE Pro Help website. Use the button to reach the feedback portal where you can easily provide suggestions and ideas about BOE Pro features.
The error message for Quick Adds indicates that a long-running process is occurring and suggests waiting until it completes.
The custom Value Object class has been replaced with the new C# record class, resulting in improved performance.
Unnecessary requests from the user interface to the back end have been reduced, improving efficiency. The UI now refreshes only if there are actual changes, such as updates to the task list.
Legacy code has been removed, eliminating unneeded tables, columns, classes, helpers, and integration tests. This improves code cleanliness and reduces technical debt.
Compatible with versions 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5 of ProPricer Contractor Edition Enterprise and Government Edition
New Features and Enhancements
Quick Add Travel Destinations
Quick Add is available for travel destination information in the Travel Library and in travel rate tables. Quick Add lets you enter multiple destinations at the same time, and you can paste copied information in the Quick Add grid. In travel rate tables, Quick Add also includes travel expenses.
New and Improved Dashboards
The Home dashboard has a refreshed look and feel with improved functionality. There is also a new Proposal dashboard that provides an overview of a selected proposal.
Unlimited Proposals
The maximum number of proposals allowed in Contractor Essentials has been removed. You can now create an unlimited amount of proposals.
For Smaller Pricing Teams - Learn More
This multi-tenant cloud-hosted web product is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses. Compatible with ProPricer Contractor and Government Editions, it adds cost-breakdown reporting capabilities with formula-rich excel outputs.
Cash Flow Pro
Integration Pro
Cash Flow Pro
Cost Volume Pro
To see any of these new products before their official release, request a demo today.
Integrate between ProPricer and Deltek Costpoint using Integration Pro:
Cash Flow Pro Reporting Tool for fast, accurate cash flow data right from ProPricer:
ProPricer offers government contractors and agencies a FREE customized demo to help you easily access the best software in the industry. The ProPricer Technical Support team is here to support you through the implementation. Rest assured that the out-of-the-box capabilities are provided on a secure and compliant cloud environment.
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