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    eBook, The Before Phase: Responding to Pre-award Communications

    Pre-award notices

    Winning a procurement award by a government agency is no small feat—no matter the size or complexity of the project. Full-fledged RFPs and their resultant contracts are just one way you can work with the government. Other ways include quoting on Simplified Acquisition contracts that require minimal documentation on your part, and direct-award procurements that require no competition at all.

    Granted, non-proposal procurements usually involve contractors who’ve established a relationship with the government. But as you gain experience with proposals and other acquisitions, becoming familiar with the types of agency communications that could come your way prior to any type of award is just good business.

    What follows is a menu of the notice and survey communications you may receive during the pre-award phase of a government acquisition. 

    Contractors: Knowing the difference between the various pre-award notice types and how to respond appropriately can differentiate your firm from the plethora of others who make the mistake of sending the same response for all of them. The agency you’re dealing with wants you to meet the requirements of each communication. Taking the time to provide specific, custom answers to every communication’s questions is a wise investment on your part.


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