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    ProPricer Contractor Edition

    ProPricer's Contractor Edition (CE) - Enterprise is the industry-leading platform designed specifically for government contractor proposals. ProPricer CE empowers your teams to increase the speed, accuracy, and quality of your proposals.

    ProPricer CE stores all estimates, formulas, and qualitative information related to developing cost proposals, ensures real-time visibility into all indirect and direct rates, and allows the data manipulation needed to customize cost breakdowns and roll-ups. 

    ProPricer Contractor Edition - Enterprise seamlessly integrates with a number of ERP, COTS, Windows applications, and custom software for contractor proposals to streamline critical business processes.

    Schedule a demo to learn how ProPricer's flagship product can increase your competitive edge to win more contracts. 


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    How Did ProPricer Help This Defense Supplier?

    "ProPricer made us aware of a problem we didn't even know we had."

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    • Database
    • Integrations
    • Multi-User Environment
    • Rate Manipulation
    • Annual Indirect Caps
    • Shift Differential Integrations
    • Annual Work Schedules
    • Rate Target Functionality
    • Section B Report
    • What-Ifs
    • Reporting

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    The Top Enterprise Contractor Proposal Software

    CAS/FAR Compliance
    Choose from dozens of pre-formatted common reports or design your own. Generate outputs with exactly the cost and pricing data to comply with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), DFARS, Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), and customer requirements. Export a functional cost model in ProPricer format or generate a formula-rich spreadsheet.

    ProPricer captures and manages data in ways other systems can’t. It maintains rate information on a global or proposal-specific basis, including direct, indirect, and custom rates. It also allows users to model their related disclosure statement (e.g., hours x rate x overhead) within the system. Add to that a reviewable history of price changes based on rate updates and time phasing and now auditors can easily make sense of a contract’s cost data and be confident in its accuracy.

    Transfer of proposal data is a button click away. When both sub-contractors and prime contractors use ProPricer Contractor Edition, primes can receive cost and pricing data in a standardized format, with the sub’s fully functional cost model intact and ready to use in contractor proposals.

    In ProPricer's live pricing environment, estimators, pricers, and management can work simultaneously from any location, viewing real-time data as proposals are developed by permissions-controlled users. Any user can be given full control, access (or view rights only), edit, add, and/or delete rights; meaning rate tables can be locked down, and hundreds of individual elements can be controlled.

    Have the ability to do the analysis you’ve never had time to do before. With days of validation work saved, pricing analysts can immediately take advantage of ProPricer's advanced pricing features to find the right project scenario and price. Sort and report by task, CLIN, WBS section, or any user-defined field. Allocate and spread resources and apply escalation sets. Perform what-if analysis on unlimited scenarios such as project delays, resource changes, or target pricing at any level.

    ProPricer's government contract pricing software helps industry proposal teams and government acquisition professionals prepare for negotiations and communicate cost and pricing positions. With ProPricer's “What-If” features, users can easily analyze multiple scenarios, compare the cost impact of project timeline changes, see the effect of reaching a target price, swap hours or costs from one resource to another, and quickly make any number of additional changes to your resources and rates while pricing logic remains intact. Enter negotiations knowing that formulas and pricing logic are locked down, resulting in less questions and more time to focus on non-pricing issues.

    Access Tags
    Add an additional layer of security to your data. Quickly control which items are visible to a common group of users by creating and assigning these tags.

    Learn More about ProPricer Contractor Edition - Enterprise

    Data Sheet:

    Contractor Edition Brochure

    A high-level overview at the key capabilities and features Contractor Edition provides.

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    Case Study:

    Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA)

    "We have so many different contract types, customers, and requirements. ProPricer is a significant time-saver regardless of the proposal size or complexity."

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    Software Evaluation Worksheet

    When searching for the best pricing software solution for your company, there are many considerations to take into account in order to make the right decision. This checklist is designed to help in the evaluation process.

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    Schedule a Demo

    ProPricer streamlines your proposal process to save time and resources, reduce the risk of errors, and improve your organization's chances for winning more contracts. Schedule a demo now and increase your competitive edge with ProPricer. 

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